Medical Facilities:
The school is visited frequently by the doctors from the recognized hospitals and proper vaccines, medication and advice is given to the students.
Physical Education:
School students must wear the correct kit to all PE. A house tee shirt and white trouser make up this kit.
Students should not wear the same shoes for PE as they do for general schools use .If you have any questions regarding the PE program do contact the Office.
Outdoor Education and Field Trips:
To make use of our unique geographical setting to combine academic, social and sporting activities, class related fields are organized by subject teachers. These are designed to enhance the teaching that takes place in the classroom and include visits to the beach, to factories, to the desert, museums and other place of educational interests. When a field trip is being arranged the parents are sent notification and information about it.
Homework is an essential part of the academic program . In addition to reinforcing the skills the student has been exposed to in the classroom, homework provides the student with time for internalization and reflection on the classroom work.
All students will be issued student Planner (Diary) and a homework timetable. The diary must be completed and kept up-to-date. Parents are expected to see and sign the homework diary each week.
Students must adhere to the homework program and failure to in homework or to maintain proper diary will result in school sanctions.
As a rough guideline following be useful:]
Y-1 to Y-5 About 30/35 minutes per time tabled homework subject per night Y-6 to Y-8 No limits as such, although one would expect one hour per time-tabled homework, subject per night.
Students are encouraged to use the library. Opening hours during school days are from 7:30a.m.until 1:00 p.m..
A student may borrow an unlimited number of books for up to 7 days, Loaned books are due back in the library the date stamped inside the front cover. If the book is still needed, it can be renewed for a further 7days, unless another user has reserved it. Lost and late book procedures are available from the library along with full information on all the services provided.
Computer Lab:
The computer lab is available for students' use until 1:00 p.m. on most schools days. The teachers provide supervision and assistance but space is limited. All classes are given time in the lab as per scheduled time table.
The House System:
A school-wide "House System", is in place for inter-school competitions. Students are placed within one of the four houses and are informed of their house colors as follows: Red ,Green ,Blue and Yellow.
Noteworthy performance in a whole range of school activities, including academic and athletic will result in students or teams of students being awarded house points.
A record is kept of the house points awarded to each student and this achievement is publicly recognized by the presentation of certificates.
These are sent home to parents and a copy is placed is the student file.
Food and Drink:
Parents are asked to ensure that students do not bring to school chewing gum or drinks in glass containers. The school provides a good service to students and no eating or drinking is allowed in the classes, Drinking water is provided around the school.
Hair :
Hair should be kept clean, tidy and brushed. Outlandish, extravagant, or brightly colored hairstyles are not acceptable.
Expected School Social Standards:
Students are expected to adhere to the school social standards. They should behave themselves in a reasonable and responsible manner, respecting individual and group rights. Fighting, bullying or violent conduct is totally unacceptable at any time and may result in immediate suspension from school.
Students Rights:
The students have a right to:
2. Have fair and unbiased treatment from teachers in respect to grading policies and classroom activities.
3. Be prepared by knowledgeable teachers.
4. Express himself / herself freely (in constructive manner)
5. An academic challenge in his/her classes according to his or her ability.
6. Assemble with other students in a peaceful manner.
Student responsibilities:
The students have responsibility to:
1. Respect others and their rights
2. Be truthful and honest at all times
3. Be in class on time and be well prepared
4. Not slander or abuse others – this includes misuse of virtual forums such as the internet and E-mail
5. Follow-up through on all activities to which they commit themselves.
6. Ensure that assemblies they participate in are peaceful
7. Attend classes.
8. Not damage or destroy school facilities, including electronic media and data
9. Try to promote and support extra-class activities
10. Abide by the school dress code.
Disciplinary procedures :
In order to ensure consistency and fairness in those cases where students fail to meet the schools behavioral expectations, the school has drawn up guidelines for disciplinary consequences. These guidelines cover all areas of student conduct, including basic responsibilities, anti-social behavior and plagiarism.
Failure to meet expectations will normally be treated with advice and counseling. Serious or persistent neglect of these expectations will normally may result in various disciplinary measures, including restrictions of movement on campus, withdrawal of privileges, detention suspension, probation or other measures deemed appropriate by the Principal. Where possible, action will be taken in consultation with parents, either verbally or in writing.
For the most serious or persistent neglect of school expectations, the Principal will recommend expulsion of a student to the Director. The Director will inform the
parents and will handle it personally. Expulsion forms part of the permanent record of a dismissed student.
At least two days in advance, for permission from the Principal. To avoid disruption visits are normally restricted to the lunch break. On entering the school building student guests must report at the office .
Safety and Security
Fire precautions and safety items are posted in each room. When it would be necessary to evacuate the School campus in an emergency, any instructions given by an authorized member of staff must be obeyed immediately by each student.
Transport - To and From School:
It is fully expected that students being transported to school, especially those on buses, will behave quietly and responsibly. Misbehavior on school buses will be treated in the same way as misbehavior in the classroom. The school must be informed, in advance of any change in a student's regular mode of transport.
The School Day:
Students should not arrive at school before 7:00 am, the time at which duty teachers commence their work. The school cannot accept responsibility for students who arrive at the school before 7:00am, unless they have been so directed by a member of staff. Attendance commences at 7:20 am. Students who fail to arrive by 7: am are deemed late and must register in the late book in the school office. Students who are late for school on three or more occasions will incur school sanctions.
School Timing
Kindergarten (sat – wed) 8:00 a.m.--12 p.m. |
Grade (1—10) (sat—wed) 7:20 a.m.—1:10 p.m. |
Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are scheduled. If a student is absent from the school, a letter from his or her parent explaining the absence must be given to the class teacher on the day of return.
Failure to do so will result in the absence being registered as unexcused and the student being considered truant. If an absence is foreseen a note should be brought giving dates and reasons for absence. Permission to leave school during the school day may be obtained by bringing a letter to the Principal.
A student missing more than 20% of the total number of school days in a year will not meet the requirement for promotion to the next year group. Students leaving the school without permission during the school day, or skipping classes, will be considered truant. Truancy will result in parents being informed and disciplinary action.
Tardiness is recorded in all student reports. Persistent tardiness or absence is unacceptable and has a negative effect on a student's progress. If a student is late 5 times during a semester then it will be recorded as 1 extra day's absence.
Ramadan :
The Holy Month of Ramadan is a special time in
Dress Code:
1) To ensure that students are dressed in school uniform and the school is concerned to comply with guidelines and advice received from official sources.
2) To reduce the scope for worry about being fashionable and the problems of having to go to undue expense for the sake of style.
School Uniform:
KG Section:
Girls: Yellow shirt and Green skirt with yellow socks and Black shoes
Boys: Yellow Shirt and Green Trouser with yellow Socks and Black shoes.
Year-1 To Year -10:
Girls: White Shirt and Shalwar with Maroon Shirt,o Black socks and Black shoes.
Boys: White Shirt and Maroon Trouser & Maroon Neck Tie with White o o socks and Black laced shoes.
> Sensible shoes, which allow for the growth and healthy development of feet, are required.
> High heels are not permitted.
> Flip-flops and shoes without back-straps are not permitted.
For safety and security, girls are discouraged from wearing jewellery, apart from stud and
Earrings and a watch.
Boys are also discouraged from wearing jewellery, apart from a watch, and they are not permitted to wear stud or earrings.
No heavy or extravagant make-up is allowed.
Written Communication from School to Home:
From time to time the school issues important written communications to parents, which are sent home with the students. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that all written communications are handed to their parents on the day of issue.
An official school newsletter is to be published periodically. It contains general information about student activities, reports on school events and topical notices.
Parent – Teacher Conferences or Communications:
Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s academic progress or general welfare with teachers or the Principal. To ensure a minimum of contact the school also organizes formal meetings twice in the year.
In addition to attending scheduled parent – teacher conference, parents are encouraged to contact the school whenever a question or concern arises about their child. Please first make an appointment to see the teacher who is most directly involved.
Student progress reports are an important part of the educational process. Students receive two reports a year. One at the end of the first semester and another at the end of the year.
The following criterion is used for each grade level:
Outstanding A+ 90% -100%
Excellent A 80% - 89%
Very Good B 70% - 79%
Good C 60% - 69%
Satisfactory D 50% - 59%
Needs Improvement E bellow 50%
Messages for Students:
It is difficult and time consuming to locate a student to pass on personal messages. Please ensure that all reminders of appointments and after – school arrangements are made before school. A message board, located inside the School entrance, is available for important parent – student messages or notices. Students have access to telephones in the event of an emergency;
School Guest:
Parents and visitors to the school are welcome. All visitors, including parents, should report to the Principal on arrival. Students wishing to have friends attend school must apply with a letter from their parents.
Ø The Director is the senior administrator who is responsible for the overall organization and development of the Al-Isra International students.
Ø School Principal is the person one after the Director responsible for administration and overall organization.
Ø The “Head Teacher” is the one responsible for all administrative issue of the teachers of the Academic section.
School Administrative:
> School Director Mr. Khalid Al Ghamdi
> School Principal Mr. Arshi Siddiqui
> Head Teacher Mrs. Rizwana Tanweer (girl section)
Head Teacher Mr. Javed Akhtar (boy section)
Children of all nationalities and religions are eligible to apply for admission in Al-Isra International School, except the Saudi Nationals. Normally admission is based upon formal assessments and an interview. Parents are advised to apply well in advance of their desired admission dates.
The following procedure is essential to effect from school and ensure the provision of required documentation.
(a) At least a week prior to withdrawl, the school should be informed in writing, specifying the last day of school.
(b) The student should pick up a Final Clearance Form from the office.
(c) The clearance form will be signed by all the teachers indicating that all books and materials have been returned.
(d) In additional, the librarian, accounts office and the Head Teacher sign the clearance form.
(e) Only after the clearance form has been completed a Leaving Certificate will be released.
Each year there is going to a elected students council to serve a variety of roles within the school community.
Its responsibilities fall into the following categories.
1. Advise the students on areas of student concern.
2. To provide a vehicle for the students involvement in the decision making, as appropriate.
3. To plan events that contribute to school and a positive school climate.
The enthusiasm, and effectiveness of the student council, as well as the degree of support it receives from the staff and administration, has a tremendous impact on student’s morale and school spirit .